

  • 3
  • 公司认证: 营业执照已认证
  • 企业性质:外资企业
  • 公司地址: 广东省 深圳市 宝安区 沙井街道 马安山社区 安胜路35号
  • 姓名: 曾动
  • 认证: 手机未认证 身份证已认证 微信已绑定

    跨境电商越南 COD 电商物流小包 海外仓一件代发

  • 所属行业:物流 货运代理
  • 发布日期:2022-10-19
  • 阅读量:29
  • 价格:8.00 元/千克 起
  • 产品规格:越南COD小包一件代发
  • 产品数量:999999.00 千克
  • 包装说明:纸箱
  • 发货地址:广东深圳宝安区沙井街道马安山社区  
  • 关键词:越南COD物流,越南COD快递,越南COD专线

    跨境电商越南 COD 电商物流小包 海外仓一件代发详细内容



    A Model of a Localized Cross-Border E—Commerce   By the explosive growth of B2B e—commerce transactions in international supply chains and he rapid increase of business documents in Iran?s cross-border trading, effective management of  trade processes over borders is vital in B2B e-commerce systems. Structure of the localized model in this paper is based on three major layers of a B2B e—commerce infrastructure, which are  messaging layer, business process layer and content layer. For each of these layers proper standards and solutions are chosen due to Iran?s e-commerce requirements。 As it is needed to move smoothly towards electronic documents in Iran, UNedocs standard is suggested to support the contents of both paper and electronic documents. The verification of the suggested model is done by presenting a four phase scenario through case study method。 The localized model in this paper tries to make a strategic view of business documents exchange in trade processes, and getting closer to the key target of regional single windows establishment in global trade e-supply chains.   

    Keywords: E-Commerce; Cross—Border Trade; Electronic Document Management; International Supply Chain  1。 Introduction    Electronic commerce is about buying and  selling products or services over electronic systems like internet and other networks. The term B2B  (Business-to-Business) describes commerce transactions between businesses, such as between a manufacturer and a wholesaler, or between a wholesaler and a retailer。 In this paper the research focus is on the communication between traders in two different  countries. Today one of the main targets of the world trade organization  is  to  establish  regional single windows which can increase the trade  facilitation in different parts of world。 Establishing a regional single window needs cross border gateways that can exchange trade documents efficiently. So first, the key necessity of managing the simplified documents over 

    borders is to move toward national single windows. After that, the regional single windows can  authorize the communication between countries. E—commerce models are studied based on  the  three major logical layers。 These three layers are messaging layer, business process layer and content layer [1,2]. Generally the localized model in this paper is a way to automate the  process of exchanging reading documents。 This can be a step through establishing the National single window of Iran and then with the more interoperability between the East Asian and Middle Eastern countries a regional single window can be improved in the future。    In this paper the second section is discussed basic concepts and standards required to  introduce the cross—border B2B model in international supply  third section is  assigned to introduce the scope of  the model and its components functionality in a big picture schema。 The forth section discusses the model localization over B2B transaction layers, and finally the paper in concluded。  2. Background    In this section, besides, having a look at B2B e—commerce in Iran, the background concepts such as standards and reference models which are being used in localization of the B2B e-commerce cross border model are disussed。  B2B E—Commerce in Iran    Today the performance of the trade processes in Iran is a key trade success point. Iran has long borders with many of the countries in the region and its import and export processes can be done over road, rail, sea and air ways。 So the central and strategic role of this country makes it a key trade point of goods transit in the Asia and Middle East region。 Today, almost all of trade processes in Iran customs are done through paper forms, and the electronic services given by the ministry of commerce are restricted to the merchants who trade inside the country. The introduced model tries to simplify the process of exchanging electronic documents in the cross—border e—supply chains of Iran trading. Here some of the systems which give the electronic services by the  ministry of commerce in Iran are mentioned: Importation Order Management System. Trade Statistics System。 Iran  In Iran。 These are the main electronic systems which are using today to facilitate trade processes in Iran。 The systems are mentioned here as independent trade facilitators which can have interaction with the suggested model in this paper in the future. Joining Iran to the world trade organization regarding the standardization of data elements and trade 





    国际贸易(International Trade)也称通商,是指跨越国境的货品务交易,一般由进口贸易和出口贸易所组成,因此也可称之为进出口贸易。国际贸易也叫世界贸易。进出口贸易可以调节国内生产要素的利用率,改善国际间的供求关系,调整经济结构,增加财政收入等。




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